10 Rare Spider Plant Varieties 


The spider plant is a popular houseplant for plant lovers because it’s easy to plant, beautiful and non-toxic.

It is widely known as Chlorophytum comosum and is a beautiful addition to any home. They’re also known as spider ivy, airplane plant, ribbon plantand hens.

This plant originated in South Africa’s tropical rainforests and rose to prominence globally in the nineteenth century.

Its popularity could be due to its ability to filter the air. If you wish to improve the quality of your home’s air, the spider plant can remove 90% of all contaminants.

The ‘Spider Plant’ earned its name from its pups. These plants’ pups resemble spiders with all of their legs. There are various types of spider plants, and in this article, we’ll look at some rare spider plant varieties.

Some Rare Spider Plant Varieties

1. Bonnie Spider Plant

Bonnie spider plants are among the most prevalent types of spider plant variants worldwide. And it makes great sense because they are so versatile.

These curly houseplants look great in any room, from the bathroom to the kitchen to the bedroom.

Not only that, but because the Bonnie variety grows to only eight inches, it does not require much space to flourish. Simply set it in an area with less direct sunlight and a mild, humid climate.

2. Variegated Spider Plant

A Variegated spider plant, unlike the Bonnie type, has significantly thicker leaf blades that run straight without curls or waviness.

This rare spider plant variety is bright green with a cream-yellow border and looks great in naturally sunny areas of the house.

This is another popular spider plant species that is readily accessible at most nurseries. So, you will not have to go looking for it.

However, if you do get one, make sure it has the proper conditions to thrive. This type of spider plant requires soft, indirect light and prefers humid conditions. Above all, make sure the soil never becomes arid.

3. Airplane Spider Plant

The Airplane Spider Plant is a solid green spider plant cultivar. However, that isn’t its best feature.

This spider plant is distinguishable from other spider plant kinds by its distinctively bent leaves, which are neither too striking nor too subtle.

So, if you’re searching for a plant to brighten up even the most overlooked areas of your home, the Airplane spider plant is the way to go.

Not only is it quietly beautiful, but it is also low-maintenance and requires little sunshine. A total win-win!

4. Ocean Spider Plant

If you only identify the word “ocean” with the color blue, think again!

The Ocean spider plant is best suited for placing in the tightest areas of the house, with tiny green leaves and even more delicate ivory borders at the sides. And that is not all.

This tiny spider plant species grows to a maximum height of eight inches and produces gorgeous white flowers.

What more could you ask for than low upkeep, a tiny and convenient size, and flowers?

5. Zebra Spider Plant

The Zebra Grass Spider Plant, like the Zebra, is notable for its stripes. However, unlike a zebra, it is not all black and white.

The leaves of this spider plant type are slightly greenish-yellow with extremely fine cream stripes running down the borders, which is a common trait of all spider plant breeds.

The Zebra Grass spider plant, native to tropical Africa, grows swiftly and can reach 22 inches in length! If you’re looking for vertical design inspiration, this spider plant will come in handy.

6. Variegated Bonnie Spider Plant

The Variegated Bonnie spider plant is a hybrid between two of the most popular spider plant varieties, with somewhat curled leaf blades that are variegated in green and cream.

This specific kind is so appealing that you don’t even need to hunt for the ideal location—just set it anywhere in the house and the area will naturally appear more highlighted.

However, because these plants do not require much sunlight, keep them away from locations with high temperatures.

7. Hawaii Spider Plant

This common spider plant species, often known as the “Golden Light” or “Golden Glow” plant, originated on the lovely island of Hawaii.

However, due to its strange appearance, it has now found a home in every corner of the planet.

This plant is slightly green and, unlike most spider plants, has a yellow stripe going through the center.

The Hawaiian spider plant, a unique spider plant variety, grows to a maximum of 12 inches and is best suited to gloomy corners of the home.

8. Fireflash Spider Plant

So far, on the list, we’ve only found spider plants that seem similar. However, the Fire Flash spider plant appears to be very different, resembling one of the giant Croton plant kinds.

The Fire Flash spider plant is one of the rare spider plant varieties that has broad, solid green leaves with a tiny yellow stroke in the center.

This plant’s thick, vivid orange stems, which resemble the core of a fire, give it a flaming appearance. It often grows up to two feet tall and wide. As a result, it’s ideal for planting in open settings, such as a hanging balcony.

9. Bichetii Grass Spider Plant

The Bichetii Grass spider plant is simple and elegant, resembling one of the most popular spider plant kinds, the Variegated. It also features narrow, light green leaves with gentle cream margins that enhance its luscious tone. However, it can grow to be a foot tall!

The Bichetii Grass type is typically kept on center tables or other focal spots throughout the home.

However, such gloomy environmental conditions tend to stunt its growth over time because this type, unlike most others, requires a lot of light and warmth to survive.

To guarantee constant growth, place them in a location with adequate sunlight and sufficient humidity levels.

10. Spiderflower Plant

The Spider Flower Plant is commonly referred to as a purple spider plant type that blooms. But that is not the case.

The Spider Flower Plant acquired its name from the numerous slender filaments that resemble spider legs. It is a flowering plant species native to South America.

As the image shows, this plant is not ideal for interior environments. But do not worry.

It may nevertheless bring your outdoor balcony design ideas to life, with faint purple tones and bright green stamens that combine to create a firework effect.

Caring for Spider Plants

You must use extreme caution while dealing with these plants since they excel at adapting to their surroundings.

Do not be stressed when caring for them, but make sure you do not completely neglect them.

1. Light

There are no precise lighting requirements for this plant, but you must ensure that it receives ample light to flourish. The best area for these plants in your home is near a window, as partial sunshine can help them thrive.

However, avoid giving them too much sunshine, as this might cause the plant’s leaves to become brown.

The spider is not choosy about its soil. You can utilize a variety of soil types for your animal plant, including acidic or alkaline soil as well as chalky and clay soils.

Just ensure the soil is well-drained and doesn’t absorb too much water. Water the new spider plant sparingly. Make sure they’re completely dry before you water them again.

To assess the dryness, press your finger down on the earth. If the soil is absolutely dry, water the plant again. When the plant matures, you can water it more often.

2. Fertilizer

Spider plants can benefit from an all-purpose, water-soluble fertilizer. There is no great requirement for fertilizer, although granular time-release fertilizer can benefit your plant.

Common Issues with Spider Plants

These plants are excellent examples of strong plants; they are resistant to harm and pests. However, you may encounter certain frequent challenges while growing these plants.

The spider plant is vulnerable to insect infestations like aphids, spider mites and mealybugs. These pests can eat your spider plant; however, if you wish to avoid them, spritz them occasionally to keep your plants secure from infestations.

To get rid of all the insects, you might use vinegar-based organic insecticides.


Overwatering your reverse variegate can lead to a variety of illnesses, including browning and shriveling of the leaf tips.

Aside from that, it is best to keep your plant in a humid environment to avoid illnesses. You can even keep it next to the bathroom to provide your plant with the humidity it needs.


It would be beneficial if you clipped this plant when its roots began to bind. You can trim an inch from the bottom ring on both sides.

Plantlets can be easily propagated by simply repotting them. The plantlets are shorter copies of the plant. Take care of them, and you will be able to propagate a mature plant.


You don’t need to repot your spider plant frequently. Their growth is primarily limited to the leaves and plantlets.

However, when the root ball rises and protrudes beyond the pot’s rim, it is time to repot your plant. The optimal time to repot your plants is in the spring.



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