University of Hawaii Pacific Tuition: All You Need to Know


Hawaii Pacific Institution Located in Honolulu, is a private institution. In 1965, Hawaii Pacific University was established. Approximately 4,876 students are enrolled in the institution each year, of which 4,151 are undergraduates.

The most recent information we got concerning University of Hawaii Pacific tuition for full-time students in 2022 was $32,520 annually. Tuition rose From $31,440 in 2022 to $34,44% in 2023, The annual increase in college tuition is around 3%.

Remember that even while the advertised tuition cost seems high, it doesn’t provide you with enough information to estimate the true cost of attending any particular college. Many students discover that, after applying for grants, scholarships and tuition reductions, the true cost of education is far lower than the sticker price. Additionally, student loans might help you manage the cost of schooling until you graduate.

The University of Hawaii Pacific tuition covers 62% of an undergraduate student’s proven financial need. Financial aid for first-year full-time students averages $23,978.91 annually. The average amount of student loans owed by 2023 graduates was $34,025.48 per borrower.

University of Hawaii Pacific Tuition Rates: in-state versus out-of-state

The tuition for citizens of Hawaii and those from other states is the same at the University of Hawaii Pacific because it is a private institution.

To help with overhead costs, public schools get financing from the state. In public and state institutions, students who meet the requirements for in-state residency may be eligible for discounted tuition.

Choosing a college where you qualify for in-state residence may result in lower tuition costs. Don’t forget to check the in-state residency requirements in your state. The requirements for in-state tuition are governed by state regulations. The most common requirement is that students must have lived in the state for a full year prior to starting school. Furthermore, further limitations may apply depending on where you live.

University of Hawaii Pacific Tuition for International Students

Every student at Hawaii Pacific University pays the same tuition. Foreign students should look into private or school-specific help and scholarships, as they typically aren’t eligible for government financial aid.

Merit-based institutional scholarships and athletic rewards may be available to international students who do not require financial assistance.

University of Hawaii Pacific Fees, Costs of Housing, and More

When creating a college budget, expenses for books, transportation, fees, housing , board and tuition should all be taken into account. Let’s examine the factors that affect these expenses and what to anticipate at the University of Hawaii Pacific.

Costs of Housing and Food at university of hawaii pacific

Room and board at university of Hawaii pacific costs $22,590 annually. This covers the cost of living in dorms or other on-campus housing, as well as a meal plan that allows you to eat in the dining hall. Campus dining options and cafeterias at University of Hawaii Pacific. The cost of board may change based on how many meals you plan to eat on campus.

The Price of Books at University of Hawaii Pacific

The cost of books often surprises first-year college students. The real cost of books and materials vary depending on the courses you take and the required products (textbooks or computer programs, for example). To save money, a lot of students choose to buy books from other students who have already finished the course or take out library loans.

Yearly Fees

Most schools charge an annual fee to help defray the expense of maintaining resources like computer labs, libraries, and gyms.

There may be extra fees associated with participating in certain activities, like as Greek Life, or playing on an intramural sports team. Many universities provide resources to assist students who might find it challenging to participate financially in finding ways to lower or waive these charges.

The Price of Travel at University of Hawaii Pacific

Numerous important factors impact the cost of traveling to college. How will you arrive to school—by car, by subway ? Will parking on campus be expensive? Can one stroll around the campus? Will you be relying on public transportation like buses and subways, or do you own a car? Your transportation costs may be significantly impacted by all of these inquiries. Remember that parking your automobile on campus is not permitted for first-year students.

The cost of transportation alone can also be significantly impacted by a college’s location. Even while it could be simpler to go to small, rural institutions, getting to campus can cost more. However, while getting around a city might be expensive, there are more buses, trains, and cheap flights available to get to school. Situated in a Hawaiian city, not far from Honolulu, lies the campus of Hawaii Pacific University.

Additional Cost

When making your college budget, don’t forget to account for personal expenses like entertainment, clothes, furnishings and hygiene

The Whole Price of Hawaii Pacific University Enrollment

Let’s go over every cost we’ve covered so far to help students better understand how much money they should set aside for each one. University of Hawaii Pacific.

How Much Does University of Hawaii Pacific Cost?

What is the price to get into the University of Hawaii Pacific? This is a summary of the tuition expenses.


2024 Total Tuition and Expenses
Tuition $32,520
Room and Board $22,590
Other expenses $2,000


Whether you want to live on campus or off, it will affect the total estimated cost.

Total Estimated Costs
On-Campus $57,610
Off-Campus $35,020


The above breakdowns provide a good estimate of the total cost of tuition before financial aid and scholarships. Tuition and fees are subject to change based on the program, course level, location and additional variables.

Hawaii Pacific University’s tuition and fees are determined by the following factors: • Both full-time and part-time students are eligible to enroll in the same number of courses and participate in the academic program.

Financial Assistance for Hawaii Pacific University

Of the 4,151 enrolled undergrads in 2023, 1,357 got financial help. 62% of an undergraduate student’s verified financial need is met by Hawaii Pacific University.

A full-time first-year student typically receives financial help in the amount of $23,978.91 annually. To pay for any leftover expenses, about 57.89% of Hawaii Pacific University undergrads use student loans. The average amount of debt owed by Hawaii Pacific University graduates with student loans is $34,025.48.


Each loan kind has a different average debt.


Average Debt By Loan Type
Federal Loans $20,703.98
Private Loans $45,925.25


Most Frequently Asked Loans for Students at Hawaii Pacific University
Federal Loans %56.94
Private Loans %17.22


Since institutional and government loans often offer more flexible repayment choices and lower interest rates than private loans, the majority of students take out these types of loans. Federal loans come in two flavors: subsidized and unsubsidized.

While unsubsidized loans start to accumulate interest the moment they are granted, subsidized loans do not during the school year. Some students take out private loans if they are not eligible for enough federal loans to pay for their tuition. Additionally, parents who are helping their children pay for college may apply for Parent PLUS loans, which are government loans.

Colleges can provide financial assistance packages that either fully or almost satisfy the financial needs of their students and their families by using the Free Application for Federal Student assistance (FAFSA). Continue reading or go to Hawaii Pacific University’s financial assistance page for further details.

Scholarships at University of Hawaii Pacific

Grants and scholarships are available to some students to assist with their education expenses. Grants and scholarships do not require repayment, in contrast to loans.

In 2023, university of hawaii pacific granted 1,341 need-based scholarships, totaling $24.6 million, to students in need of financial assistance to afford their educational expenses. Merit-based scholarships of $11.89 million were given to students who could not prove they had a financial need.

University Of Hawaii Pacific Net Cost

The true expense of attending a college for a year is known as the “net price of college.” Any scholarships, grants, or other forms of financial assistance that are not repaid are deducted from the total cost to determine the net cost. Since student loans must be returned, they are not included in the computation.

Now that we are aware of the approximate overall cost of university of hawaii pacific Students, to get the expected net cost, we may deduct the average financial aid package. Depending on a student’s need and the financial assistance package they get, net cost may change.

It’s crucial to look at a school’s projected net cost as well as the tuition price when determining if it will fit into your budget. When deciding which school to attend even though it fits inside your budget, consider your net cost first. Often, universities with the highest tuition also provide the most substantial assistance packages.

The typical amount of financial help that a first-year, full-time student with proven need got at university of hawaii pacific in 2023, was $23,978.91. The cost of Hawaii Pacific University may appear more affordable when we deduct the average financial assistance package from the expected expenses.


Estimated Net Price for Students Enrolled Full-Time
On-Campus $33,631.09
Off-Campus $11,041.09

How much will it actually cost you to attend Hawaii Pacific University? The response is contingent on several circumstances.

Since 2011, educational institutions have been obligated to provide prospective students and their families with access to a net price calculator on their website. This tool allows them to determine the true cost of attending a certain school based on their financial circumstances. The net cost calculator for Hawaii Pacific University is available on their website.

Hawaii Pacific University Tuition Payment Plans

In order to better accommodate the expense of tuition into their budget, some students decide to employ payment plans. Hawaii Pacific University does not have guaranteed tuition.

university of hawaii pacific provides a tuition payment plan that enables students to pay for their tuition in a number of smaller installments rather than all at once.

University Of Hawaii Pacific  Tuition Waivers

For specific populations, schools will occasionally waive tuition in order to defray the expense of attendance. Certain universities waive tuition for military personnel, underrepresented students, teachers, staff and their families. Students are nonetheless accountable for any additional costs and fees, even if they are eligible for a waiver.

There are a few full or partial tuition exemptions available at Hawaii Pacific University for: workers or workers’ offspring. For further details on payment schedules and tuition reimbursements, see the financial assistance page.

Hawaii Pacific University’s Endowment

The total value of a school’s assets, contributions and investments is known as its endowment. Although endowment does not always indicate a school’s caliber, it can indicate how much a college can afford to spend on program expansion, facility upgrades, and student assistance.

university of hawaii pacific  In 2023, the endowment was worth $56.5 million, which was less than the $905 million national average. Hawaii Pacific University spends around $5,889 annually on each full-time student.


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