9 Easiest Engineering Degree


So you want to study engineering but you’re concerned about the workload. You want to find an engineering major that will lead to a stable, well-paying job but you’re not sure if you’re smart enough, hardworking enough, or even interested enough to devote five, six, or seven hours to studying every night after a long day of classes and labs (on top of having fun, joining clubs, making friends, and so on).

You’ve come looking for a list of the easiest engineering degrees in the hopes that one will pique your interest and satisfy your desire to major in engineering while also ensuring you that you can succeed in this traditionally difficult field. Let’s start with this

Description of Engineering

Engineering is the use and collaboration of mathematics and science to solve problems. While society as a whole benefits from the numerous inventions available to develop the planet, engineers are typically in charge of making these innovations available to everyone.

Engineers are responsible for the design, analysis, creation, testing, modification, installation, and maintenance of a variety of systems and products.

Almost everything we can conceive of in the world that was developed or created was most likely the consequence of some type of engineer. Engineers also monitor buildings and manufacturing and offer advisory services to schools and universities.

Engineering is one of the cornerstones of STEM education. STEM education is a multidisciplinary program that encourages children to become interested in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Easiest Engineering Degrees

Here is a list of the easiest engineering degrees based on the highest average GPA, time spent studying, hours of homework necessary, and average retention rates.

1. Industrial Engineering

The industrial engineering discipline focuses on applying engineering concepts to create efficient systems of all kinds.

This is especially useful in the manufacturing industry, but it may also be used to organize groups of people or streamline company processes.

An industrial engineering degree program may contain courses in materials, automation, quality control and manufacturing.

Chemistry, analytical geometry, mathematics, and physics may be required STEM subjects, with lab sessions providing the opportunity to interact with robotics.

Industrial engineers commonly work for manufacturing firms. They may be involved in transportation, computer, electronics or machinery manufacture.

2. General Engineering

Consider pursuing general engineering if you want to gain knowledge in a variety of engineering fields. Students in this branch get an understanding of mechanical, civil, electrical and other engineering fields.

As a general engineering student, you are likely to take several calculus subjects. You can also learn about statics, fluids, thermodynamics and electrical circuits.

Graduates of general engineering degrees may find employment with small businesses. By hiring generic engineers, these firms can save money on payroll because they won’t have to hire a distinct person for each discipline of the field.

Earning a master’s degree in engineering online or in the classroom in a specific discipline may be advantageous for general engineers looking to specialize.

3. Computer Engineering

Computer engineers are professionals who use engineering techniques to design and operate computers. This area encompasses both computer hardware and software engineers. Students in computer engineering learn mathematics, physics, probability and linear algebra.

There are usually classes on object-oriented programming, operating systems, database architecture and artificial intelligence. Computer engineering is closely tied to electrical engineering, therefore, students study circuits and signals.

Many computer hardware engineers work in the computer system design industry. Others may work for semiconductor makers, research businesses or the federal government. Software developers frequently work for computer system design companies.

4. Environmental Engineering

Environmental engineers are primarily concerned with protecting the natural world. They employ their engineering skills to develop practical answers to today’s most pressing environmental concerns.

Chemistry is a required course of study for environmental engineering students. Biology also plays an important influence, as do mechanics and thermodynamics. You will also spend time discussing environmental issues, including sustainability and air quality.

Environmental engineers monitor natural conditions and create projects to conserve resources.

They frequently work as consultants, and there are several government opportunities for environmental engineers at the municipal, state and federal levels.

5. Civil Engineering

Civil engineers are among the best-known sorts of engineers. Civil engineers are responsible for most of the infrastructure and architecture you see every day.

This can include buildings, roadways, bridges  and pipelines. Statics, dynamics and mechanics are frequently included in civil engineering schools.

You will also take calculus, differential equations, and several physics courses. Geology and building may be among the elective possibilities.

This branch contains some engineering types. Examples include construction, transportation and structural engineers. They may work as consultants for engineering services firms or hold government positions.

6. Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineers create machines with moving parts. Mechanical engineers play an important part in today’s society because machines of all sizes and shapes may be found everywhere.

As a mechanical engineering student, you’ll take statistics and dynamics coursework, as well as mathematics and physics courses. Materials, robotics, and electrical systems can all be studied to prepare for a career in manufacturing or related businesses.

There may also be energy-related courses, such as solar or nuclear power. Manufacturing employs a large number of mechanical engineers. Transportation and machinery manufacturing are popular employers.

7. Electrical engineering

Electricity powers machines and electronic equipment. Electrical engineers understand how this works and can develop or improve electrical systems. Electrical engineering programs cover topics such as circuits, signals, magnetism and power.

You can also learn computer programming languages. Lab classes allow students to design and build electrical systems, as well as take math and scientific courses such as calculus and physics.

Electrical engineers are needed in a variety of sectors. Manufacturing is an important one. This may involve the manufacture of electronic instruments, semiconductors, airplanes, and medical items. Electrical engineers frequently operate in the energy generation business.

8. Petroleum Engineering

Petroleum engineers play critical roles in the oil and gas industries. Their job is critical in the creation of energy to power modern living. Petroleum engineering students must have a thorough understanding of geology, geomechanics, and drilling.

Fluids and thermodynamics are also key issues in this science. Petroleum engineering studies also require knowledge of probability, geometry, physics, and chemistry. Engineers in this profession develop ideas and techniques for extracting natural resources from underground.

They frequently work for gas and oil corporations, petroleum producers, and mining companies. Some petroleum engineers work abroad.

9. Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineering

Aerospace and aeronautical engineering entail the design of flight vehicles. The name “aeronautics” refers to flight within Earth’s atmosphere, whereas “astronautics” refers to flight in space.

Aerospace encompasses both fields. For these programs, you’ll take lessons in analytical geometry and differential calculus. When studying topics such as mechanics and materials, you will explore how flight circumstances affect performance. Other essential topics for these engineers are propulsion, electrical circuits and aerodynamics.

The government employs numerous aeronautical engineers. Other careers for aerospace engineering graduates include aircraft and instrumentation manufacturing.

What kind of engineer earns the most money?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, petroleum engineers typically earn the highest engineering salaries. Most make between $78,620 and $208,000 each year.

Computer hardware engineers often have the second highest salary. Annual incomes in this field typically range between $70,100 and $192,110.

Aerospace engineers earn more than the norm, with annual earnings ranging from $72,770 to $171,220. Aerospace engineers working for instrument makers earn a median of $125,710.

Nuclear engineers’ salaries typically range between $74,800 and $185,550. Nuclear engineers find research and development to be extremely lucrative, with a median annual salary of $139,580.


The engineering field has numerous branches. All of them require advanced math and science classes.

Even so, individual programs’ standards vary; therefore, certain engineering specialties may be less difficult than others. Many engineering programs provide convenient and flexible online bachelor’s degrees. A handful of universities also provide online computer engineering master’s programs.

Online programs can be accredited at both the regional and programmatic levels, ensuring that you will graduate with a degree that satisfies industry standards.

You can begin researching programs today to see what a difference certified online engineering courses can make for you.

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