Santa Fe Tuition, Scholarships, Eligibility Requirements and Application Process


You are surely aware that budgeting for expenses is a crucial component of the college application process. What you may not realize is how many different things you must keep track of to pay tuition and apply for financial aid.

Continue reading to learn about the requirements for studying at Santa Fe College in 2024, as well as Santa Fe Tuition, scholarships, and living expenses in Santa Fe.

This post covers all you need to know about attending Santa Fe College in 2022, including tuition, scholarships, and living expenses.

Let’s get started.

How Much is Santa Fe Tuition?

Knowing how much Santa Fe tuition costs is the first step in minimizing college costs. More than just tuition, you must consider where you will live, what you will eat and other aspects of your education at Santa Fe University of Art and Design.

The “Cost of Attendance” is the entire amount of money that the average student must pay, excluding financial help, to attend a specific school.

Consider it a school’s sticker price. It covers not just Santa Fe tuition and fees but also accommodation and board, textbooks, and personal expenditures.

The following is a breakdown of the cost of attending Santa Fe University of Art & Design.

  • Tuition and Fees: $30136
  • Room: $5350
  • Board: $4160
  • Textbooks: $1400
  • Other Expenses: $2772

About Santa Fe College

Santa Fe Institution, a state institution in Gainesville, Florida, offers over 50 recognized technology and applied sciences programs, the majority of which are two-year degrees.

Previously known as Santa Fe Community College, it changed its name to Santa Fe College in 2008 to emphasize the bachelor’s degree programs that it began providing. The college is a vital part of the Florida College System.

Santa Fe College is fully accredited by both the Florida Department of Education and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. The institution’s main wing is in North Central Florida, while its main campus is in Gainesville, Florida.

Santa Fe began offering both an Associate in Arts Degree and an Arts and Sciences Program, which mostly comprises liberal arts and sciences courses. This award results in a two-year liberal arts degree that can be transferred to a university offering a bachelor’s degree.

Also, there is no distinction between the descriptions, explicit, precise course numbers and content of classes at Santa Fe College and those in the first two years of Florida’s public universities.

Santa Fe College’s liberal arts courses are also transferable to the majority of public and private four-year institutions in the United States.

To award an Associate in Science degree or certificate, the Associate in Science program includes technology and applied sciences courses aimed at equipping students for careers in skilled professions.

Some of these programs allow students to transfer to a four-year college or university. Some of the programs available are Dental Assisting, Air Conditioning Repair, Automotive Technology, Child Development, Construction, Public Safety, Zoo Animal Technology, Information Technology, Cardiovascular Technology, Aviation Safety, and Nursing.

Sante Fe Scholarships

Scholarships are available to students with concert and procedural experience in any aspect of the stage arts, including dance, music, musical theatre, official theatre and all-purpose theatre performances.

Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5 in assistant professor subject areas and actively participate in a proper test and/or presentation.

Career and Technical Education Scholarships

This platform awards around 18 scholarships per year to students participating in Career and Technical Education programs. The Santa Fe Community College Scholarship is available for the fall, spring and summer sessions.

Tentative restricted term awards will be calculated using a fixed cost per credit hour, which will be determined annually by December 1 for the following year. Scholarships will be reviewed frequently to ensure ongoing eligibility. Applications are accepted annually.

The maximum number of credit hours that may be covered is 12 hours for drop-and-elasticity terminology and six belief hours for the summer term.

These possibilities are meant to cover up to 12 credit hours of in-state tuition for the fall and spring semesters, as well as six credit hours for the summer term.

The Santa Fe Community College Scholarship award does not cover books or lab costs, which are the student’s responsibility.

The scholarships are meant to pay up to 12 credit hours of in-state tuition for the fall and spring semesters, as well as six credit hours for the summer term.

Eligibility Requirements

Students must go through the following constraints in the contract to be careful about the Career and notional Scholarship:

  • Currently enrolled in Career and Official Learning, obtaining a certificate or AS degree
  • Have at least a 3.0 GPA at Santa Fe College.
  • demonstrate monetary need.
  • Provide correspondence from a CTE series Director, Coordinator, Advisor, or Coach to demonstrate the applicant’s mastery of the background in the enrolled CTE program.

Students awarded the Career scholarship must:

To be eligible for renewal, you must maintain a 3.0-point cumulative GPA. This scholarship will be examined in both names to ensure chronic eligibility.

The academic transcript must be sent to the Office of Career and Technical Education Scholarship, Vv3000 NW 83 Boulevard (I-34), Gainesville, FL 32606.

Grant inscriptions will be communicated to students who wish to pick up a learning grant from the duty of Career and Official Teaching, verifying the awarding of a CTE and the grant duration.

How To Apply

To apply, complete the CTE Scholarship Application and mail it to the Office of Career and Technical Education Scholarship Committee at 3000 NW 83 Street, I-34, Gainesville, FL 32606.

Applications are accepted yearly, and those submitted after each semester’s deadline will be held for the next term.

Application Deadlines

  • Fall Semester: June 19th
  • Spring Semester: November 13th
  • Summer Semester: March 16th


How much is Santa Fe per year?

Santa Fe College charges $2,563 for in-state students and $9,189 for out-of-state students. Santa Fe College charges less than the national average for in-state tuition, which is $11,560.

Does Santa Fe offer scholarships?

The Santa Fe College Foundation provides several scholarships to different types of students. All students and prospective students are urged to fill out the foundation scholarship application.

Is it pricey in Santa Fe?

Living in Santa Fe is reasonably priced, yet significantly more expensive than average. Santa Fe’s average cost of living is 14% more than the national average.

Is Santa Fe a public college?

Santa Fe College is a public institution in Gainesville, Florida. Its campus is located in a suburb and has a total enrollment of 12,607. The school follows a semester-based academic year. The student-to-faculty ratio is 19:1.

How does Santa Fe University of Art and Design stand up?

Based solely on its academic reputation, we rate Santa Fe University of Art and Design as a medium-value school, ranking it in the top half of schools.

Santa Fe University of Art and Design, a regional school, may not be a household name nationwide, but it is well known in the local community. You’re likely to receive a solid education and graduate with a good foundation for the remainder of your career.

Overall, Santa Fe University of Art and Design is a good value, and attending college here is likely to pay off in the long run. However, if you can get into a better institution with a better reputation at a lesser cost, it can have a significant impact on your life.

How Do You Get in?

To be admitted to Santa Fe University of Art & Design, you must have competitive SAT/ACT scores as well as a decent GPA. Otherwise, you will not fulfill their quality standards.


College is likely to be expensive. Even if you have a few top choices, such as Santa Fe University of Art and Design, it’s still a good idea to look into other options.

A few questions to consider:

  • How much better off will you be if you attend Santa Fe University of Art and Design rather than a similar but less expensive school?
  • Have you considered a variety of private and public schools? Big or small?
  • What if you did not attend college at all? (This is extreme, but it’s worth thinking about for a second.
  • These are the big-picture questions to address while discussing the worth of a college education.

Here’s our perspective: college will be a critical moment in your development. Attending a better, more reputable college usually pays off in the long term. Attending a better institution will expose you to a more intriguing environment, make it easier to get work, and open up new chances.




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